
Month: December 2015

Welcome to the World of TalentShare

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Welcome to the World of TalentShare


TalentShare  is a simple online initiative started on 6th October 2008 to promote creative activities of children and adults through www.team1talentshare.blogspot.com.

The initiative is progressed with the key belief

  “A talent or knowledge within you is to be shared”.

As silent or as aloud, through this blog, various initiatives were made all the year along and I am proud to say that till this date, we have witnessed consistent contribution from many talented artists of different age. Several schools from various parts of the world including UAE and reaching as far as Doha, Kuwait, and various parts of India participated with interest in showcasing their creativity throughwww.team1talentshare.blogspot.com .

Periodically, all the participating children were complemented with gifts and certificates.

I believe in what I say, and www.team1talentshare.blogspot.com is an example of it.

What is the benefit of a knowledge or a talent if it remains within us?.

Imagine how it spread from one person to another to many, if it is shared. The beauty, the enjoyment and the thrill of sharing, it has to be enjoyed.

Like a child who keeps the chocolate in his pocket without sharing it with his friends on a hot sunny day, your knowledge or talent, hidden and kept aside for your own enjoyment will melt down finally without benefiting you even.

TalentShare is a serious and sincere effort and so far being undertaken solely.

A period of slow activities for it now has to end and I am relaunching it now and take this opportunity to invite more participation from those interested in arts, crafts, music, science, technology or any other field to volunteer in sharing their valuable talent to come forward and be a part of Talent Share activities.

I always believe we need to promote creative talent of children and adults alike in its multitude of forms and variations to the forefront and TalentShare blog (www.team1talentshare.blogspot.com) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Team1Talentshare/ ) and its activities is an option created for it.

I invite those who are interested to undertake the following responsible roles are welcome to contact me:

– to like the Facebook page and bookmark the blog of Talent Share

– to promote its activities

– to connect me with new talent in any form so that together we can promote them

– encourage the participants

– give guidance to the participants.

– participate in various admin roles.

God bless all those creative talents who contributed silently and please pray for their continued interest in participating and promoting creativity which has no special forms in this world of excellence.

Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi

29th December 2015

Talent Share Facebook page link: https://www.facebook.com/Team1Talentshare/

Talent Share blog: www.team1talentshare.blogspot.com

For further information, please contact:



Al Ain Air Championship

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20-12-2015 - Al Air Championship


I love photography and I believe

Every photo clicked is a history. One will never be able to re-create that precious moment.

The above photograph and the photos in my Flickr page are from the Al Ain Air Championship 2015, which was held at Al Ain on 19th December 2015. It was amazing to see the skills of the pilots who flew solo and in combination. All the teams made sure to pass on the message of peace. That’s the most essential thing that is required now.

Let these photos and quotes make your day inspiring.

You are welcome to view the entire album at


like it and share it.20-12-2015 - Al Air Championship

Photo Speaks – Peace!

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20-12-2015 - Photo Speaks - Peace

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”  – Mother Teresa

I love photography and I believe

Every photo clicked is a history. One will never be able to re-create that precious moment.

The above photo is created from a series of clicks from the Al Ain Air Championship 2015, which was held at Al Ain on 19th December 2015. It was amazing to see the skills of the pilots who flew solo and in combination. All the teams made sure to pass on the message of peace. That’s the most essential thing that is required now.

Let these photos and quotes make your day inspiring.

You are welcome to like it and share it.

Mind Speaks – What is Immortal?

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14-12-2015 - Mind Speaks - What is Immortal

Accidents happen in many ways. Many times, it takes a lot from our life in not time. The photographs in this post is from a worksite accident that happened to one of my friend. In no time, his business was gutted.

What surprised me from the photos he sent me of that incident was a book which remained partially burned. Titled in Malayalam “Engane Naam Marakkum” meaning “How can we forget?”. This book was on his table as he was working on it for updating his collection of websites.

Strange was the fact that the author of the book Ravi Menon happened to be also an email contact of mine.

I consider this physical remains as a pointer to some of the principle values I carry on in life.

One of them is sharing our knowledge.


Whatever happens to us, end of the day or end of our life, what remains immortal is what knowledge we had with us and what we shared with our daily contacts. All other things are mortal according to me.

You are welcome to share my thoughts.

Wish you a great evening.

Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi

14th December 2015

@rameshmenonauh / rameshmenonabudhabi@gmail.com

Photo Speaks – Focus

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13-12-2015 - Photo Speaks - Focus

“If you’ve lost focus, just sit down and be still. Take the idea and rock it to and fro. Keep some of it and throw some away, and it will renew itself. You need do no more”. –  Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I love photography and I believe

Every photo clicked is a history. One will never be able to re-create that precious moment.

It is not abnormal for people to start working on a goal and then get distracted or disturbed and then move away from their focus. This is where the advantage of breaking our goals into short term and long term goals.  When you feel you are drifting away from your primary focus (long term goal) try wandering around with your secondary ones (short term goals) and then relax and settle down and slowly move back to the destination you planned ahead.  For me, these writings, photography, playing musical instruments etc are all in one way or another a method to regroup. Try it out and I am sure you will not fail if you adopt this method.

Let these photos and quotes make your day inspiring.

You are welcome to like it and share it.

Work hard, play hard and have a passionate weekend.

Photo Speaks – Work hard, play hard and have a passionate weekend.

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10-12-2015 - Work hard Play Hard

“Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams. 

Have a passionate weekend!.”

I love photography and I believe

Every photo clicked is a history. One will never be able to re-create that precious moment.

I do always have a hectic work week. However, I make sure during my weekends I find time to devote some time for my passions, either in photography, music or sports or all together. The photo above was taken during the Volvo Ocean Race Abu Dhabi leg when the participating boats were arriving to Abu Dhabi port. It was not an easy task as the sea and weather conditions were not favorable and we had to wait from the morning eagerly to see the boats coming one by one. Even though we felt, from far, the distance between each boats were small, it took time for each one of them to reach us and in search we went deeper and deeper into the ocean. It was exciting as well as taxing in terms of strength, stamina and the will power to cover the winning moments through the lens. 

If it was like that for us, imagine for the crew in those competing boats!

The moment detailed here truly explains the joy of  the members as they celebrated in their own way and I was lucky to capture them. 

Let these photos and quotes make your day inspiring.

You are welcome to like it and share it.

Work hard, play hard and have a passionate weekend.

Photo Speaks – Look forward to a Creative Morning

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9-12-2015 - Look forward to a Creative Morning

“I’m always thinking about creativity. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with mylife”.

This is a photo taken this morning from Abu Dhabi. Normally, we do not get to see such cloud formations!. It brought a nice feeling and optimism about probable rain!. Unfortunately, the sun came up fast as usual and we have a bright and sunny day with cool breeze around.  When I look at it, our life is always interesting if we correlate it with the nature around us. We find something or other interesting every day to look forward with optimism and work around the unpredictable!  Be optimistic and have a great day ahead. You never get the same morning, same day again in your life.

I love photography and I believe:

Every photo clicked is a history. One will never be able to re-create that precious moment.

Let these photos and quotes make your day inspiring.

You are welcome to like it and share it.