Date Palms

The beauty of Dates

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I am always fascinated by Date Palm trees and Dates in them. The beauty of joy of watching them is to be experienced. If not yet done, next time when you go for a walk, please do. Watch the leaves and fruits swinging in the gentle breeze. You will feel as if they are talking to you.

#Photo Speaks – Beauty of Palm Tree Leaves

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#Photo Speaks – Beauty of Palm Tree Leaves


It has been a very long time that I have been following the Date Palm Trees. For a normal person, it is just another tree. May be even those from and living in the land of these Date Palm Trees, it is. But, for me, it is not.

For me, it is a part of my life. Yes, my life here in the UAE. Looking at it each day, connects me with the realities of life. The seasonal changes. The festivities happening. May other things.

Yes, it is just another day and another Date Palm Tree and its leaves!.

Try and have a closer look at these trees next time you pass by them.


Mind Speaks : COVID Times

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Mind Speaks. Truly speaks. Photography is something I am always passionate about. Staying at home, I am now exploring what can I do differently to come out with some interesting subjects to click.

This morning, when I looked outside through my windows, I found my subject for the day. I am always fascinated by palm trees and looking at them on the side of the road, I noticed the shadows for each one of them. Why not observe them closely today?

Here is the result. A dedicated effort to do an hourly click of the shadows. Presenting them to you.

From tomorrow onwards, you don’t need a clock, You have mother nature around.


A minute with ClicksandWrites – Date Palm Trees Flowering Season

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The date palm trees have flowered. It marks the arrival of a new season. Weather is cold now, but very soon it will change and the summer will begin. You can expect hot and sunny days soon. Then in no time, the holy month of Ramadan starts. By the time Eid Al Fitr comes, the flowers would have developed and fully ripened dates will be ready. I have been following them for the past several years. Each time they flower, it is an opportunity to remember about the past seasons. And also look forward to the future ahead.

If you have kids, take them around for a walk in the evening. Show them the changes to the trees and flowers as the flowers blossom to a fresh green date and then ripen to reddish and juicy ones.

Very few know about the hidden treasure from this part of the world. The actual date tree population in UAE is about 40 millions of which 8.5 in AL-AIN region. The gene pool is large and composes about 120 date varieties. New introductions from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Oman included Khallas, AbouMaan, Hallawi, Khissab, Khenezi, Nabut Saif, Jabiri, Hillali, Lulu, Chichi, Khadraoui, Sakii, Sultana and Barhi varieties.

UAE produces 533,701 Metric tons of dates on an average

A date with Dates!

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A date with Dates

#inabudhabi on Friday morning is the most interesting thing you should try out, if not done already. The quietness, neatness and peace surrounding is something you enjoy along with the breeze. A bonus now is the beauty of the date palm trees that are filled with dates ready to harvest. Summer holidays and thinking of some quality time with children. This will be good option.
Ensure to follow safety guidelines using the biking tracks.


A new Date with the Season

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Confused with my title. Not to worry. I am just giving you a hint on how the nature alert you about the change of season. It is cool climate now with a bit of rain here and there. But, look closely at the surroundings. Go for a walk and look at the date palm trees. You will see that they have started flowering.

It announces the arrival of a news season. Soon, you will get to see the climate changing with the arrival of hot wind and sand storm and then straight to summer.

I always propagate a lot about this so far untapped natural resource of the UAE.

The UAE is one of the top 10 date palm cultivators in the world, with dates grown in royal palaces, private residences, public gardens and streets as well as commercial farms.

Date palms are an intrinsic part of Arab life and heritage. For thousands of years, they have provided shelter, food and other necessities, as Arab Bedouins have settled in palm oases, and made use of all parts of the tree and its fruit. Palm wood and leaves were used to build houses, fences, beams, baskets, ropes and many other useful items, while the fruit itself has been a basic staple of the Arab diet, and a main source of nutrition and energy.

Have you ever watched the Palm trees flowering process?. If not, watch them from now on. The trees have started the flowering!.
It will be a good observation cum photography experience if you track it.
Inviting you to click them from wherever you are post them at the event page of Passionate Photographers on Facebook with details. Opt to choose the growth sequence in one or two selected trees.
For those parents with children interested or not interested in Photography, this will be a very good exercise to have them observe the nature, the seasonal changes and to observe and realise how nature announces the arrival of the seasons in its own way. Since it is spread out during a period of four months, it will be also a test to find out how patient you are towards your short term and long term objectives.
Enjoy the season.
Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi
3rd March 2017